Activity 3.1 – Human Population
Country: Afghanistan Birth rate: 32 Births per 1,000 population (in millions) Death rate: 6 per 1,000 population (in millions) Population growth rate (rate of natural increase): 2.6% Life expectancy for males and females: Males: 64, Females: 67 Fertility rate (average number of children per childbearing-aged female): 4.3 Gross National Income (GNI): 2,110 Population per square km of arable land: 511 Urban population: 24% Land mass: 252,071 mi² Percent of births to mothers ages 15-19: 11% Percent of births to mothers ages 35+: 14% Country: Singapore Birth rate: 9 per 1,000 population (in millions) Death rate: 5 per 1,000 population (in millions) Population growth rate (rate of natural increase): 0.3% Life expectancy for males and females: Males: 81, Females: 86 Fertility rate (average number of children per childbearing-aged female): 1.1 Gross National Income (GNI): 86,480 Population per square km of arable land: 1,012,152 Urban population: 100% Land mass: 281.3 mi² Percent of birt...